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Trainee BAP RM Priority

Permata Bank

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Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  • BAP Relationship Manager Priority (BAP RMP) adalah program pelatihan “Fast Track” selama 7 bulan yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan talenta muda terbaik untuk mendorong pertumbuhan pendapatan bank.
  • Program ini menggabungkan pembelajaran di kelas, pelatihan di tempat kerja, dan bimbingan dari pakar materi pelajaran.
  • Peserta pelatihan akan ditugaskan ke Wealth Center, di mana mereka akan fokus pada menghasilkan prospek dan membangun hubungan dengan calon pelanggan Prioritas baru.


  • Min. Gelar Sarjana dari universitas terkemuka
  • IPK min 2.75 dari 4.00
  • Fresh Graduates atau maksimal 2 tahun pengalaman profesional
  • Pemikiran analitis yang baik
  • Keterampilan interpersonal dan komunikasi yang baik
  • Berorientasi pada target dan tertarik pada peran penjualan
  • Membangun jaringan dan hubungan

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Tentang Permata Bank

We are one of the top 10 biggest banks in terms of assets in Indonesia and listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange, that offer banking products and services that help people and companies to succeed, creating wealth and growth through our Retail Banking, SME and Wholesale businesses. In 2004, Standard Chartered Bank and PT Astra International Tbk took over PermataBank and began a massive transformation process within the organization. Furthermore, as a form of its commitment to PermataBank, the combined ownership of these major shareholders increased to 89.01% in 2006. After a long but smooth process, PermataBank made a new history in May 2020 through an acquisition transaction conducted by Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited ("Bangkok Bank"). Bangkok Bank officially became the controlling shareholder of PermataBank after taking over 89.12% of PermataBank's shares from the total number of shares that have been issued and paid up by Standard Chartered Bank and Astra International. Followed by the Mandatory Tender Offer process in 2020, as of 2021 and 2022 Bangkok Bank owned 98.71% We offer complete suite of banking products and services including current and savings accounts, time deposits, mutual funds, bonds, personal loans, credit card and mortgage for Retail customers, available in Conventional and Sharia. We also offer working capital loans, dealer finance, join finance, transaction banking, trade finance, foreign exchange, as well as securities and agencies services for our SME and Wholesale business. PT Bank Permata Tbk obtained the license as the commercial bank under The Decree of Minister of Finance Number 1937/U.M.II dated 19 February 1957.

Indonesia, Indonesia
Ukuran Perusahaan