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PT. Bintang Toedjoe

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Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  • Melakukan trial di laboratorium atau produksi dan melakukan analisa hasil trial
  • Membuat protokol dan report trial serta stabilitas
  • Memberikan analisa awal untuk reportingnya


  • Lulusan D3 Farmasi atau Analis Farmasi dan Makanan
  • Terbuka untuk fresh graduate
  • Memiliki pengalaman sebagai R&D di perusahaan farmasi atau FMCG menjadi nilai tambah
  • Memiliki ketelitian dan kemampuan analisa yang baik

Tips Menjaga Diri

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Tentang PT. Bintang Toedjoe

Bintang Toedjoe is a subsidiary company of Kalbe Company. Together with Sakafarma and OTC (Over the Counter) business units, we are categorized as a Consumer Health Division of Kalbe Group.

From the beginning, Bintang Toedjoe has focused its businesses for public welfare. Until it joined with the Kalbe Company in 1985, Bintang Toedjoe still committed to providing innovative and quality products, within reach by everyday people, for a more productive and meaningful life. 

As a reputable pharmacy company, we are very proud to have developed some of the leading medicines in Indonesia such as Puyer 16 for headache, Komix for cough, and Bintang Toedjoe Masuk Angin as herbal medicines.

Our product portfolio also includes a wide range of consumer brand, with a top brand that has been a pioneer in energy drink, namely Extra Joss and the latest we launched, Extra Joss Blend.

Fast Moving Consumer Good
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Ukuran Perusahaan


We strive to constantly pursue innovation of our products and services
Swift in handling new challenges and producing new ideas to improve
We seek to ensure that every individual contributes accordingly to the rules and agreement to achieve company objectives