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Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Tugas & Tanggung Jawab :

  1. Mengelola dan bertanggung jawab terhadap keseluruhan proses pengelolaan import barang
  2. Memfollow –up dokumen yang menyangkut import
  3. Memantau dan mengecek setiap perkembangan proses pengeluaran barang dan status pengirimannya
  4. Mengerti prosedur pembelian barang dari luar negri
  5. Membuat perbandingan harga
  6. Berkomunikasi dengan pihak internal & eksternal
  7. Memiliki kemampuan bernegoisasi
  8. Mengatur pertemuan, janji, dan acara atasan dengan pihak lain
  9. Mengarsipkan dan mengorganisir dokumen
  10. Membuat notulen rapat beserta laporan


Kriteria :

  1. Pendidikan minimal D3/S1 semua jurusan
  2. Pengalaman import minimal 3 tahun
  3. Pengalaman pembelian barang ke luar negri minimal 3 tahun
  4. Mampu berbahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan (lebih baik jika mampu berbahasa mandarin) 
  5. Mahir menggunakan MS. Office
  6. Penempatan kerja di PIK, Jakarta Utara

Tips Menjaga Diri

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Tentang PT Machindo Inti Cemerlang

PT Machindo Inti Cemerlang was a private company, established in early 2011 and officially registered in mid 2012 and now has become one of the major players in Indonesia, providing and supplying comprehensive ranges of industrial equipments to serve the markets' needs. Starting from mostly as general trading company and serving many types of industries with huge ranges of products, we are now focusing on certain products and markets and have become an authorized sole agent distributor, certified assembler, and stockiest for most of the famous brands within the scope. Our sources of goods are mostly coming from trusted developing countries, such as; Europe (Italy, Netherland, Belgium, France, Germany, and Spain); U.S.A., Asia (China, Japan, Korea, and India). In this present day, our products are mostly related to Indonesia's major growing Industries, such as; Automotives, Chemicals, Oil & Gas, Mining, Agriculture, Steel, and Consumer products. Adapting with these industrial categories, we have divided our variety of products into three major scopes and they are Fluids & Material Transfer Equipments; Health & Safety Equipments; and Mechanical &Civil Engineering Tools. Integrity, Commitment, Professionalism, and Responsibility has always been as our key strengths on gaining clients' trusts i the markets and has formed us a fast-growing-company in very short period of times. It is our great future expectations to always improve our company in all aspects as to provide our clients with total solutions as well as contributing into the nation's industrial and economic growth.

Building Materials Supplier
Jakarta Utara, Indonesia
Ukuran Perusahaan


We strive to constantly pursue innovation of our products and services
For us, employee productivity is just as important as their well-being
Everyone should be treated with courtesy and professionalism