Product Story Specialist
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Deskripsi Pekerjaan
- Merancang dan mengembangkan product story yang menarik, informatif, dan mudah dipahami oleh seluruh stakeholder.
- Mengintegrasikan feedback dari berbagai tim untuk memastikan product story mencakup kebutuhan utama proyek dan selaras dengan strategi brand.
- Melakukan iterasi pada product story prototype menggunakan berbagai pendekatan kreatif, berdasarkan masukan dari workshop, meeting, dan brainstorming.
- Mendokumentasikan output dari workshop dan sesi kolaborasi, serta memastikan dokumen tersebut tersusun rapi dan mudah diakses oleh tim lintas departemen.
- Menjalin komunikasi yang efektif dengan berbagai departemen untuk memahami kebutuhan, proses, dan alur kerja mereka, serta menjadi penghubung antar tim untuk memfasilitasi alur informasi yang efisien.
- Menggunakan tools seperti design thinking, process mapping, dan analisis proses untuk menyederhanakan dan mengoptimalkan alur kerja dalam pengembangan product story.
- Mengidentifikasi area yang perlu dioptimalkan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas kolaborasi tim.
- Min. S1 dengan jurusan design produk, design komunikasi visual, Manajemen produk, psikologi, komunikasi
- Memiliki pengetahuan dasar mengenai design thinking, storytelling dan prinsip design produk
- Teliti dalam mendokumentasikan hasil workshop, brainstorming dl
- Mampu bekerja dalam team yang kolaboratif/squad
- Bersedia untuk di tempatkan di Plant JATAKE, Tangerang
Tips Menjaga Diri
Perusahaan dan Lowongan di Dealls tidak meminta data pribadi, informasi rekening, atau pungutan ketika melamar. Hindari juga lowongan Google Form / Grup Telegram tanpa keabsahan yang jelas.
Since 1985, Paragon has been developing rapidly. We create excellent beauty brands such as Wardah, Make Over, Emina and Putri with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and HAS (Halal Assurance System) certification. With more than 10.000 personnels all over Indonesia and annual production around 185 million pieces, Paragon has become one of the largest cosmetic manufacturer in Indonesia.
We conduct an end-to-end process, from ideation to production and until the distribution, even with many supporting roles in between. The integrity, agility, and persistency of our people preserves Paragon’s position as the market leader in Indonesia. Willingness to create a greater future is one of the reason for us to make our work continuously improved and always innovate.
Paragon has consistently concerns to give solution for issues that happening in our society trough our CSR programs in 4 pillars, that are education, health, woman empowerment and environment. It is very important for Paragon to collaborate with and develop the society well-being, because the growth of Paragon will not happen without the participation and support from our society.
As a national company that keep on growing, we are proud to have outstanding Indonesian talents whom we call PARAGONIAN. Here, we provide a great and challenging working environment for Paragonian. We give the experience to work in a “corporate startup” vibes that rarely happened in other corporates. We have a fast-paced and agile working like a startup, but we apply Good Corporate Governance (GCG) like the other big corporations.
With Paragon, you will go through a meaningful journey with unpredictable challenges ahead that will make you unleash your potentials to innovate for goodness.