Mechanical Design Engineer
Formulatrix Indonesia
- Penuh waktu
- On-site • Salatiga
- Negotiable
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Deskripsi Pekerjaan
- Melakukan penelitian dan analisis untuk menciptakan konsep produk baru.
- Membuat 3D design dan 2D drawing sebuah produk.
- Melakukan prototipe dan evaluasi produk hingga siap untuk diproduksi.
- Menyediakan laporan dan dokumentasi proyek.
- D3/D4/S1/S2 jurusan Mechanical/Mechatronics Engineering.
- Memiliki pengalaman mengerjakan proyek automation/robotics/special purpose machine.
- Mampu menggunakan aplikasi desain CAD/CAM (Solidworks atau Onshape menjadi nilai lebih).
- Mampu mengoperasikan CNC machine.
- Dapat berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik.
- Bersedia untuk penempatan di Salatiga.
Nice to Have:
- Memahami sistem otomasi, small moving parts/mechanism design, high precision robotics, manufacturing process dan mechatronics.
- Memiliki pengalaman menggunakan Software & Algorythm (Python, C++, C#).
Apa Passion Anda?
Mechanical Engineer di Formulatrix Indonesia memiliki beragam spesialisasi yang bisa disesuaikan dengan minat, pengetahuan, dan pengalaman Anda.
- Automation Engineer
Sebagai Automation Engineer Anda akan mengerjakan mechanical design dan prototype sistem otomasi.
Penempatan project : Saat ini kami sedang mengembangkan proyek automasi yang akan diterapkan pada second line proses produksi.
- Robotics Engineer
Sebagai Robotics Engineer Anda akan terlibat dalam proses research, design, dan prototype sistem robotika.
Penempatan project : ROVER atau CELLMATIC
- Design and Manufacture Engineer
Sebagai Design and Manufacture Engineer Anda akan membuat prototipe, mengevaluasi hasil pengujian dan desain hingga produk siap untuk diproduksi.
Penempatan project : Pada salah satu produk Liquid Handling (Mantis, Tempest, FAST, atau Flo i8)
- Design for Manufacture (DFM) Engineer
Sebagai Design for Manufacture (DFM) Engineer Anda akan meninjau, mengoptimalkan dan mengevaluasi desain dengan menerapkan lean manufacturing DFMEA, DFM dan DFA.
Penempatan project : Salah satu produk Liquid Handling (Mantis, Tempest, FAST, atau Flo i8)
Tips Menjaga Diri
Perusahaan dan Lowongan di Dealls tidak meminta data pribadi, informasi rekening, atau pungutan ketika melamar. Hindari juga lowongan Google Form / Grup Telegram tanpa keabsahan yang jelas.
FORMULATRIX® was established in 2002 to provide protein crystallization automation solutions. Since then, we've started developing other laboratory automation solutions, including the next generation of liquid handlers using microfluidic technology. Headquartered in Dubai, UAE, we supply software and robotic automation solutions to leading pharmaceutical companies and academic research institutions around the world. Our team works tirelessly to provide the best products in the industry with support that is second to none.
FORMULATRIX® is a fast growing robotic automation equipment manufacturer and software solutions provider to leading pharmaceutical companies and academic research institutions. We cater to clients in the highly specialized life sciences industry with our client base comprised of major Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 companies. The company has experienced aggressive historic double-digit growth with healthy profits because of our industry-recognized patented technology and superior software delivery services. The industry recognizes our products and services due to our dedication to producing the 'best breed of products." Our business operations are international in scope with business units located in the United States, Europe, and Asia.
Our corporate culture highly rewards dedicated motivation, exceeding client expectations, entrepreneurial spirit, and outside the box thinking. In return, we offer a rewarding salary and benefits package, young and vibrant down-to-earth corporate culture, employee empowerment, and excellent growth opportunities.