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Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  • Bertanggungjawab memandu klien pada event penanaman di hari H
  • Bertanggungjawab untuk memberikan edukasi terkait lingkungan, lokasi dan pohon sesuai dengan tema acara di hari H
  • Bertugas mengkoordinasi kebutuhan peserta penanaman bersama dengan Petani dan tim Ops LindungiHutan
  • Menjadi face of company saat event di hari H


  • Mempunyai pengalaman sebagai tour guide / MC lebih disukai
  • Mempunyai kemampuan berbahasa asing secara aktif
  • Berpenambilan Rapi dan Menarik
  • Bisa bekerja individu maupun team
  • Bersedia perjalanan ke luar kota
  • Domisili Bali dan Semarang lebih disukai
  • Fee: Rp 500.000 /event
Tentang LindungiHutan
Selengkapnya is a crowdsourcing platform focusing on Indonesian forest preservation and conservation.

We developed products and technology to support the forest conservation process; planting the trees, maintaining, monitoring and building a movement, to collect people contributing to nature and the environment.


Currently, we’ve developed a web-based application with responsive design to handle users which access our website through desktop or mobile phone. In addition, it is possible for us to develop a mobile application.

We are eager to widen the social impact we want to achieve and maybe you are the one who we are looking for..

Environmental Services
Semarang Regency, Indonesia
Ukuran Perusahaan
50–100 employees