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Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  1. Melakukan proses akuisisi nasabah baru berbasis target
  2. Memberikan edukasi dan pelayanan terbaik kepada Customer 
  3. Mampu bekerja dalam team
  4. Mampu menjaga hubungan baik dengan customer, atasan dan rekan kerja


  1. Pendidikan terakhir S1/ Fresh Graduate
  2. Memiliki pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang pasar modal dan industri keuangan
  3. Wajib memiliki Sertifikasi WPPE
  4. Cekatan, mau belajar dan target-oriented
  5. Memiliki banyak relasi dan komunikatif serta attitude yang baik
  6. Welcome untuk yang pernah kerja di sekuritas, asset management, modal ventura, dll
Tentang PT Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia

Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia, as the most prominent global financial group, strives to provide our clients with more excellent value and help bring about a vibrant society through investment.

Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia has ranked No.1 in Indonesia based on Transaction value, Frequency, and Volume (IDX, Jan - Dec 2021).

Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia also has been awarded the best retail brokerage since 2022 and is the first brokerage company in Indonesia to reaching 100,000 subscribers on YouTube.

Investment Management
Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Ukuran Perusahaan
>100 employees


We consider employee's happiness as a part of ours
Everyone should be treated with courtesy and professionalism
We uphold honesty and virtue in every single product/service we deliver