Coordinator Trainee - Category
PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya, Tbk (Alfamart)
- Penuh waktu
- On-site • Tangerang
- Negotiable
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Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Melalui program Coordinator Trainee, Anda akan dipersiapkan untuk menjadi seorang Leader dan menempati posisi strategis di perusahaan. Dengan mengikuti program ini, Anda akan diberikan pelatihan dan pengembangan diri oleh para retailer, profesional, dan Top Leaders dari Alfamart yang memiliki banyak pengalaman dan kompetensi di berbagai aspek industri retail dan kepemimpinan.
Program Coordinator Trainee Category akan diawali dengan pendidikan intensif di dalam kelas, on the job training di store, dan rotasi di beberapa kantor cabang Alfamart. Kompetensi Anda akan dikembangkan melalui proyek yang relevan dengan industri retail modern. Hingga pada akhirnya, Anda akan menjadi seorang Category Coordinator yang nantinya akan memastikan kontrol dan implementasi planogram, layout, maupun produk yang dijual di toko, serta semua aktifitas yang berhubungan dengan tenant maupun sewa sarana promosi baik lokal maupun nasional.
Persyaratan Wajib :
- Bachelor (S1)
- Single
- Semua Jurusan
- Min. GPA 3
Syarat Tambahan :
- Memiliki minat melakukan pengolahan data/ data analytic.
- Siap di tempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.
Tips Menjaga Diri
Perusahaan dan Lowongan di Dealls tidak meminta data pribadi, informasi rekening, atau pungutan ketika melamar. Hindari juga lowongan Google Form / Grup Telegram tanpa keabsahan yang jelas.
Alfamart was initiated in 1989 by Djoko Susanto and started its business in trading and distribution. In 1999, the company expanded to minimarket sector and now has become one of the largest retail chains in Indonesia. Having over 18.000 stores, 32 office branch, and more than 130.000 employees, Alfamart has grown to become people's choice that provides variety of daily necessities such as groceries, household products, personal care items and e-services at competitive prices across the nation. Since 2009, Alfamart has worked with the government to run a retail education preparation program for Vocational High Schools (SMK) known as Alfamart Class. This program is providing modern retail curriculum subject matter to vocational students, especially business and marketing. Alfamart also transfers knowledge and learning practices to educators at vocational schools who work with, thereby expanding the knowledge of teachers as well as synchronizing the curriculum. In June 2022, it was recorded that more than 190 SMK vocational schools had collaborated that spread across 67 regions in Indonesia. As many as 1533 graduates have worked at Alfamart. In 2016, Alfamart had a concept of Alfability, which is actively providing opportunities for disabilities to join as employees. It was recorded that in October 2022 Alfamart had 1112 employees with disabilities who held several positions in stores, warehouses, and offices. Alfamart is committed to being an inclusive company that respects the diversity of its employees to enable the full contribution of its employees without discrimination to everyone, including employees with disabilities. Alfamart has vision to be Indonesia’s largest and globally competitive widely owned retail distribution network that empowers small entrepreneurs and fulfils customers’ needs and expectations. As we aim to reach our vision, we are looking for more highly-motivated, innovative, and result-driven talent to #jumpandgrowwithus!