Marketing Manager
Axioo (PT. Tera Data Indonusa)
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- On-site • Jakarta Timur
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Deskripsi Pekerjaan
- Menyusun, mengatur, menganalisa, meng-eksekusi dan evaluasi strategi pemasaran (marketing strategi) dan meng-koordinasikan dengan tim lain (Sales, Finance, dsb).
- Membuat sinergi saling menguntungkan melalui program partnership dan sponsorship dengan principle/distributor/dealer partner.
- Bersama PM (Product Manager) menyusun portofolio bisnis, khususnya terkait dengan product development & product roadmap dengan prinsip STP (Segmentation Targeting, Positioning).
- Membuat strategi komunikasi pemasaran yang holistik menyeluruh (3600 integrated marketing communication) .
- Menyusun marketing report melalui Market Intelligence (pergerakan kompetitor, situasi dan tren pasar, pelaku pasar /big player), tetap update terhadap tren terbaru komunikasi pemasaran.
- Mempunyai pengalaman sebagai Marketing Manager dan/atau Senior Product Manager IT Hardware, khususnya di industry Notebook.
- Minimal Pendidikan Sarjana S1 di Teknik Komputer/Telekomunikasi), Ilmu Komputer/Teknologi Informasi, Pemasaran atau setara.
- Terbiasa menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris (lebih disukai jika mampu berbahasa Mandarin)
- Minimal 5 (lima) tahun pengalaman di posisi Senior PM dan/atau minimal 10(sepuluh) tahun pengalaman bekerja
- Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan, ketrampilan interpersonal, komunikasi & attention to detail yang sangat baik.
Tips Menjaga Diri
Perusahaan dan Lowongan di Dealls tidak meminta data pribadi, informasi rekening, atau pungutan ketika melamar. Hindari juga lowongan Google Form / Grup Telegram tanpa keabsahan yang jelas.
Axioo is a world-class brand of ICT devices manufacturer with in-house design capabilities and integrated production facilities in Indonesia.
Axioo main product line up are Notebooks, Desktops, Smartphones, Tablets and Accessories.
Our Vision:
-To be a global brand of ICT devices; focusing on delivering excitement and affordability
Our Values:
- PASSION (desire to deliver excitement in our products)
- EXCELLENCE (our commitment to deliver quality products)
- INTEGRITY (our promise to deliver best performance/value products)
'5C' Business Development Pillars:
1. Consistent with you - Our international R&D team consistently designs, tests and improves, ensuring we deliver exciting and affordable products to your home.
2. Committed to you - With strict quality control processes, smart component selection and ISO certified manufacturing standards, we stand by the quality of our products in your hand.
3. Convenient for you - With more than 1000 stores located throughout Indonesia, we make sure you have easy access to our products and services.
4. Care about you - Recognizing time is precious and irreplaceable, Axioo established 40+ strategically located service points across Indonesia, ready to help you.
5. Connecting you - Axioo continually grows together with our partners and actively invests in communities, connecting you closer to the world.
For More Information visit: www.axiooworld.com
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