Graphic Designer for AADK (Ada Apa Dengan Kopi) & Havanna Reflexology
BrandPartner - Strategic Growth Consultant
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- On-site • Surabaya
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Deskripsi Pekerjaan
- Mendesain dan menghasilkan berbagai materi digital dan cetak, termasuk brosur, presentasi, grafis media sosial, dan kampanye promosi.
- Bekerja sama dengan tim untuk mengonseptualisasikan dan menerapkan solusi desain yang sesuai dengan tujuan bisnis.
- Menjaga konsistensi brand di semua proyek yang dikerjakan.
- Selalu mengikuti tren industri dan alat desain terbaru untuk menjaga kualitas desain merek tetap unggul.
- Gelar Sarjana dalam Desain Grafis, Seni Rupa, atau bidang terkait.
- Pengalaman kerja profesional sebagai desainer minimal 1-3 tahun, memiliki pengalaman bekerja di perusahaan korporasi dan/atau agensi lebih disukai.
- Menguasai Adobe Creative Suite.
- Memiliki kemampuan bekerja secara kolaboratif dalam tim.
- Melampirkan link portfolio yang menunjukkan beragam jenis proyek, kreativitas, dan pemahaman mendalam tentang branding.
Tips Menjaga Diri
Perusahaan dan Lowongan di Dealls tidak meminta data pribadi, informasi rekening, atau pungutan ketika melamar. Hindari juga lowongan Google Form / Grup Telegram tanpa keabsahan yang jelas.
BrandPartner® is a leading strategic growth consulting firm on business strategy. Founded in 2012, BrandPartner® is trusted by more than 250+ companies from various industries all around Asia, from telecommunications, F&B, FMCG, and many more.
BrandPartner® is a brand-driven firm with a vision and passion to be the partner of choice for companies and businesses. Here, we are actively asking questions, taking all measures to correctly assess the situation, and meticulously planning the best winning strategy for our clients based on real actionable insights— something that can only be accomplished through close collaboration between our clients’ internal team and the expertise of BrandPartner®.
BrandPartner® is determined to forge our clients ambitions into existence. Through our comprehensive strategy and activations, we aim to help our clients staying one step ahead of the competition and earn their place in their customers’ minds. Ultimately, it is BrandPartner®’s mission: helping our clients develop powerful strategies that create long-term profitable growth.