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Freelance Motion Graphic Designer


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Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  • Create attractive design for internal and/or external publication purpose.
  • Design visuals that deliver company's objectives and contents
  • Support designs for content, marketing, and sales team
  • Develop customer-oriented creative designs, attributes, and assets
  • Design and edit photo


  • A creative thinker, able to collaborate with other teams
  • Good communication skill and attention to detail
  • Minimum 2-years experience of Experience at Graphic Design
  • Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Art/Design/Creative Multimedia, Advertising/Media or equivalent.
  • Required skill(s): Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and other related tools
  • Bonus Points; Working Experience at Digital Agency
Tentang Vidio

Vidio began as a service to empower Emtek's media portfolio, but it has since evolved into a platform that supports SCM, the KapanLagi network, and hundreds of Indonesian content producers. 

Media & Entertainment
Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
Ukuran Perusahaan
>100 employees


Strong belief and efforts are the base to achieve long term success
We uphold honesty and virtue in every single product/service we deliver
We strive to constantly pursue innovation of our products and services