Deskripsi Pekerjaan
- Bertanggung jawab atas pembuatan jurnal dan laporan keuangan
- Melakukan koordinasi dengan departemen lain untuk pembuatan budget tahunan
- Membuat proyeksi cashflow mingguan dan bulanan ke Treasury
- Melakukan control kas perusahaan (cash flow) terutama piutang dan hutang
- Melakukan analisa keuangan
- Melakukan fungsi perpajakan
- Melakukan fungsi pengawasan transaksi keuangan
- Mengawasi aktivitas keuangan di operasional perusahaan
- Melakukan checking secara berkala
- Minimum lulusan S1 Akuntansi dari universitas terkemuka
- Memiliki pengalaman minimal 5 tahun di posisi yang sama
- Memahami prinsip Akuntansi dan keuangan serta perpajakan
- Menguasai komputer (MS Office)
- Memiliki Sertifikasi Accounting/Akuntasi/Finance
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik, berorientasi pada hasil, memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan relasi interpersonal yang baik
- Siap bergabung segera dan berdomisili di Bali
Tips Menjaga Diri
Perusahaan dan Lowongan di Dealls tidak meminta data pribadi, informasi rekening, atau pungutan ketika melamar. Hindari juga lowongan Google Form / Grup Telegram tanpa keabsahan yang jelas.
The IndoLinen brand was established in 2009. The registered trading company name is CV. Bali Ratu Mandiri. Over the years, IndoLinen has worked hard to establish itself as one of the Island of Bali’s reliable suppliers for fine quality bed linen, food and beverage linen, bedding goods and towels, dealing primarily with the hospitality industry.
The business has grown steadily over the years and has provided the opportunity for strategic investments; made to secure the future of the business, the brand, and expand market-share. We measure progress by our customer’s satisfaction; it is therefore an imperative that we continue to improve the quality of products and services we offer. All our linen products are produced, inspected and packaged in-house to ensure we maintain the quality and diversity our customers have come to expect from us and depend on.
We also distribute some of the best bedding goods and towels available on the market that offer uncompromising quality and variety. We are now recognized as one of the reliable go-to sources for best quality linen and home living products – and at very competitive prices.