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Get To Know Aninda Annisa
Hi, I'm Anin, a professional researcher focusing on the intersection of sustainable business, policy, and consumer behaviour. I am currently studying at Lund University's master's program in Environmental Management & Policy. I got to Lund with the support of an LPDP scholarship, and currently working part time at Global Maritime Forum as student assistant for research and analysis.

Tips Menjaga Diri
Mentor kami tidak akan pernah meminta data pribadi sensitif, uang, informasi rekening, atau bentuk pembayaran lainnya. Cukup daftar melalui website atau aplikasi Dealls, tanpa perlu khawatir tentang pungutan atau biaya apa pun. Hati-hati juga dengan ajakan masuk ke grup Telegram, WhatsApp, dan sejenisnya.Happy Mentoring! 💜
Let's Have A Mentoring Session Together
Hi, currently my schedule is fully booked. But you can still propose a schedule & I will try my best to help you.