Sales Supervisor Freight Forwarding (Semarang)
BSA Logistics
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Job Description
- Mengembangkan dan mencari pelanggan yang potensial.
- Mencapai target personal yang ditetapkan perusahaan.
- Memonitor aktivitas pelayanan pelanggan dan membuat keputusan yang relevan.
- Berkoordinasi dengan pimpinan dalam membuat keputusan.
- Menganalisa kebutuhan dan keinginan antara Costumer dengan Unit Bisnis untuk mencapai kesepakatan
- Negosiasi harga kepada Costumer.
- Membuat rencana dan realisasi penjualan terhadap budget perusahaan.
- Melaporkan hasil penjualan secara berkala kepada manajemen
- Menjaga hubungan baik dengan pihak internal maupun eksternal untuk kelancaran operasional penjualan
- Pendidikan minimal D3
- Pengalaman 3 tahun sebagai Sales Freight Forwarding
- Terbiasa kerja dengan target
- Diutamakan dari perusahaan Freight Forwarding, Shipping Line Sales, or equivalent.
- Mempunya hubungan yang baik dengan Shipping Line / liner
- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
- Berdomisili di Semarang
Tips Menjaga Diri
Perusahaan dan Lowongan di Dealls tidak meminta data pribadi, informasi rekening, atau pungutan ketika melamar. Hindari juga lowongan Google Form / Grup Telegram tanpa keabsahan yang jelas.
Founded in 1992, PT. Bina Sinar Amity (BSA) has grown to become a world class integrated export, import and logistics services company. We are an asset base company and a part of Sinar Mas Group. We represent the synergetic joint ventures, between some of the largest Indonesian corporate groups and international investment groups, experienced in all business lines.
Since our active operation in 1993, we have been involved in domestic and international logistics networks, cutting-edge IT systems, in-house expertise and excellent customer services. We aim at becoming a nationwide logistics market leader. We are committed to provide the best solutions to our customers' needs in response to the increasing market in Indonesia and worldwide.
BSA provides our customers an integrated logistics solution, including customs clearance, storage, and goods delivery even to the most remote places in the country. Our modern facilities are equipped with international standards, and our operations are certified with ISO 9001:2008 certification.
As a consolidation specialist, we have successfully built our own air and sea consolidations from various parts of the world in the most efficient manner. Furthermore, we are also fully committed to deliver the goods on time. Strategically located just 8 km from Tanjung Priok port and minutes away from tollway gate, BSA offers time, cost and productivity efficiency.
Our core services are :
o Dry & liquid cargo transportations
o Warehousing
o International & domestic freight forwarder
o Breakbulk services & ship brokerage
o Heavy equipment handling
o Stevedoring
Our facilities:
o 24 hour security
o Gantry crane
o Top loaders
o Side loaders
o Forklifts
o Trucks
o License customs brokerage & EDI systems
o Weighing bridge