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Sales Supervisor

PT. Sinar Sosro

Actively hiring 1d ago

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Job Description

  1. Menjaga agar semua sumber daya yang dipercayakan kepadanya dimanfaatkan dengan seefisien dan seefektif mungkin untuk menunjang tercapainya objektif perusahaan, untuk ini melakukan kontrol biaya operasional, perawatan investasi perusahaan, kunjungan secara periodek ke pelanggan yang ada di wilayahnya, dll
  2. Mengumpulkan dan menganalisa serta melaporkan kepada perusahaan data-data marketing di wilayahnya.
  3. Mengatur dan mengawasi agar distribusi produk perusahaan dapat sampai ke pelanggan dengan baik dan rutin.
  4. Menyusun sales target dan distribusi (Routing, Target Call, Target RNO, Effective Call, dan Effective Outlet) untuk setiap Sales Force.
  5. Memberitahukan segera kepada perusahaan dan mengusulkan perbaikan-pernbaikan untuk mendapatkan persetujuan segera bila timbul situasi dan kondisi yang memberikan indikasi bahwa objektif perusahaan perlu perubahan.


  1. Pendidikan minimal S1 semua jurusan
  2. Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidang sales (FMCG lebih diutamakan)
  3. Bisa mengemudi dan memiliki SIM A
  4. Memiliki kemampuan leadership dan mampu bekerja sama dengan tim
  5. Sehat jasmani, rohani, jujur, dan bertanggung jawab
  6. Penempatan: Situbondo

Tips Menjaga Diri

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About PT. Sinar Sosro
Learn More

PT. Sinar Sosro was established in Cakung, Bekasi, Greater Jakarta, in 1974 to produce and market Tehbotol Sosro, the first ever bottled tea product in the world. PT Sinar Sosro produces and markets a wide variety of beverages, sold in bottles, cartons and other convenient to use packaging. Among the products targeted at household end users, traditional and modern markets, supermarkets, small to large-scale food outlets and restaurants, and food service companies in Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia, Australia, the Middle East, and North America are Tehbotol Sosro, Fruit Tea Sosro, S-TEE, Tebs, Country Choice Juice Beverages, and Prim-A Drinking Water. PT Sinar Sosro, which has 10 sophisticated beverage production facilities supported by state-of-the-art technologies and highly skilled, especially trained workers in Sumatra, Java, and Bali, and 160 branch offices throughout Indonesia, strategically enhances and maintains the reputation of its flagship brand Tehbotol Sosro. PT Sinar Sosro holds a wide range of both domestic and international certifications, such as the Quality Standard Certificate from the Indonesian Ministry of Industry and the Halal (acceptable for consumption under Islamic law) Certificate from the Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI), as well as the ISO 9000:2000 Certificate for Management Systems and the ISO 14000 Certificate for Environmental Feasibility of Operations.

Bekasi, Indonesia
Company Size
>100 employees


Swift in handling new challenges and producing new ideas to improve
We hope to confidently inspire our team to maintain high level of motivation in completing their duties
We put great emphasis on preserving the high existing standard of our products/services