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Reguler Internal Audit Senior Associate


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Job Description

  • Melakukan pemeriksaan internal audit berdasarkan surat tugas yang diberikan
  • Menyusun persiapan untuk pelaksanaan audit dengan memastikan perencanaan terimplementasi dengan baik
  • Menganalisa Risk Based Audit sekaligus menentukan item-item pemeriksaan yang merupakan fokus audit saat field work
  • Menyusun laporan audit di lapangan meliputi kertas kerja, dokumen pendukung dan sistem/prosedur yang digunakan, serta point temuan audit dan tanggapan auditee
  • Membuat laporan hasil pemeriksaan audit internal dan memberikan masukan kepada Owner Process terkait improvement pekerjaan dan mitigasi risiko
  • Memantau proses rekomendasi audit dan sanksi yang ditetapkan
  • Memberikan masukan kepada Internal audit development jika diperlukan pembaruan untuk audit internal
  • Melakukan monitoring terhadap laporan fraud, melakukan fraud Investigation dan membuat laporan fraud investigation


  • Lulusan Sarjana/S1
  • Bersedia di tugaskan ke luar kota
  • Pengalaman kerja sebagai Audit di Logistik/Expedisi
  • Pengalaman kerja sebagai Audit IT
  • Memiliki Sertifikasi ISO 27001 : 2022
  • Memiliki Sertifikasi ISO 9001 : 2015
  • Analytical thinking, Detail Oriented, Meticulous,
  • Able to use MS Office well, Power BI dan Advanced Excell
  • Risk Analysis, Risk Assessment
  • Fraud Analysis, Fraud investigation
  • Good Communicaton for presentations
  • Compliance
  • Able to work in team and individually
About Anteraja
Learn More

Anteraja is a company that moves within delivery service and logistics, spanning over the far-east of Indonesia to the far-west. Of course, it’s only necessary that every service that we offer come with an app, and it doesn’t stop there–– our system is fully automated by a network of artificial intelligence (AI).

Not only we care about intellects and talents of our human resources, we also care about giving back to the community. Our culture is stemmed from the notion of #JadiOrangBaik, which directly translates to ‘be a person of kindness’. We believe in democratizing our services and to help independent businesses grow with the tools that we offer to them.

Our investors include PT Adi Sarana Armada. Tbk, PT Semangat Bambu Runcing, and Time Prestige International, Ltd.

Freight And Package Transportation
Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Company Size