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Quality Assurance Staff


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Job Description

  1. Bertanggung jawab atas kualitas produk dan SOP yang berjalan dalam produksi.
  2. Bertanggung jawab dalam pengajuan izin edar produk.
  3. Berperan dalam formulasi atau pengembangan produk.
  4. Membuat analisa kelayakan dari produk.


  1. Minimal Pendidikan S1 Farmasi Profesi Apoteker.
  2. Memiliki pengalaman bekerja di Industri obat hewan minimal 1 tahun.
  3. Memiliki STRA (Surat Tanda Registrasi Apoteker) yang masih berlaku.
  4. Berdomisili di Yogyakarta diutamakan.

Tips Menjaga Diri

Perusahaan dan Lowongan di Dealls tidak meminta data pribadi, informasi rekening, atau pungutan ketika melamar. Hindari juga lowongan Google Form / Grup Telegram tanpa keabsahan yang jelas.

About Indmira
Learn More

Indmira is a technology based company that has been conducting research and development on agrocomplex (agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries) and environmental rehabilitation since 1985. Our business revolve around people, planet, profit; innovating sustainable technology for the environment, agriculture, and food production. We developed products alongside technology to create systematic betterment to top our work. In Indmira all work is customizable, designed to accommodate costumers’ needs. Come and join our work, be a part of our journey to the future.

Environmental Services
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Company Size
– employees