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PSR Stakeholder and Relationship Specialist

Sinar Mas Agribusiness and Food

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Job Description

  • Assist in fulfilling financing needs from competitive, fast, and easy banking services.
  • Capable of building and maintaining relationships with banks and other financing institutions.
  • Conduct regular monitoring and evaluation of the ongoing financing processes for plasma plantations.


  • Minimum Bachelor's degree (S1) graduate.
  • Possess understanding and experience related to banking, especially financing in palm oil plantations
  • Able to work in a team and demonstrate a high commitment to targets.

“Our company has never levied any fees for the recruitment process nor has it required to order tickets and accommodation through a certain travel agent or certain person”

About Sinar Mas Agribusiness and Food
Learn More

Sinar Mas Agribusiness and Food adalah perusahan agribisnis terkemuka dari hulu ke hillir mulai dari penanaman pohon kelapa sawit bersama petani, hingga memproduksi makanan dan energi untuk kebutuhan hari ini dan masa depan.

Secara global, bisnis minyak sawit kami beroperasi di bawah naungan Golden Agri-Resources (GAR). Bersama-sama, kami mengelola produksi dari hulu ke hilir dengan prinsip keberlanjutan sebagai nilai utama yang kami yakini.

Food & Beverage
Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
Company Size


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We uphold honesty and virtue in every single product/service we deliver