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Admin Pembelian (Purchasing)

PT Naga Komodo

Actively hiring 2d ago

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Job Description

  1. Melakukan pembelian sesuai spesifikasi & kebutuhan untuk keperluan produksi
  2. Melakukan pembelian & keperluan operasional baik melalui online/offiline
  3. Melakukan control atas pembelian barang yang dipesan – diterima & memastikan barang telah sesuai dengan spesifikasi pada Purchase Request
  4. Mengontrol stock barang keperluan produksi (consumable goods, slow moving goods & fast moving goods)
  5. Mendokumentasikan bukti pembelian secara lengkap (Purchase Request, Purchase Order, Tanda terima barang, Invoice & faktur pajak)


  1. Pend. Min. SMK/SMA
  2. Min. 2 tahun pengalaman
  3. Dapat mengoperasikan komputer (Microsoft Office)
  4. Memahami pembuatan PO
  5. Dapat melakukan Negosiasi harga dengan supplier
  6. Melakukan pekerjaan dengan rapi & jujur
  7. Penempatan HO Jakarta Utara

Tips Menjaga Diri

Perusahaan dan Lowongan di Dealls tidak meminta data pribadi, informasi rekening, atau pungutan ketika melamar. Hindari juga lowongan Google Form / Grup Telegram tanpa keabsahan yang jelas.

About PT Naga Komodo
Learn More
Established since 2010, we are aiming to fulfill niche needs of stainless made kitchen utensils and tablewares to Indonesian market. We are providing wide variety, good quality and price worthy stainless steel products which range from Basin, Bowl, Stock Pot, Frying Pan, Cooking Spoon, Soup Spoon, Tray, Round Grill, Table Spoon and Fork, Plate, Table Cap, Ice Clipper, Mug and many more. Stainless steel made products are distinctive in quality and durability, eye catching with sense of exclusivity when displayed, easier to be cleaned or washed and more important safer and more friendly to use compared to plastic or ceramic made products. For more information, please visit our website on or feel free to email us on [email protected]
Jakarta, Indonesia
Company Size
1–50 employees