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Business Strategist for Kurnia Jatim Group

BrandPartner - Strategic Growth Consultant

Actively hiring 12h ago

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Job Description

Tanggung Jawab:

  1. Mengidentifikasi masalah/kebutuhan masing-masing cabang dalam pengembangan bisnis/upaya peningkatan revenue.
  2. Mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan strategi yang konsisten dengan tujuan perusaahaan/kebutuhan masing-masing cabang.
  3. Mengawasi implementasi strategi pengembangan bisnis oleh tim operasional.
  4. Melakukan riset yang mendukung untuk memahami persepsi merek dan preferensi pelanggan.
  5. Menyusun dan mengawasi jalannya marketing campaign dan memastikan konsistensi branding dan positioning di semua saluran komunikasi.
  6. Bekerja sama dengan tim marketing untuk menciptakan rencana campaign dan pengembangan bisnis yang kohesif.



  1. Gelar Sarjana di bidang Marketing, Communications, Business, atau bidang terkait.
  2. Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun dalam brand development atau marketing strategy.
  3. Pengetahuan mendalam tentang strategi pemasaran dan branding.
  4. Keterampilan komunikasi yang kuat.
  5. Kreativitas dan kemampuan berpikir strategis.
  6. Pengalaman dalam industri restoran atau hospitality diutamakan.
  7. Kemampuan untuk bekerja dalam tim dan mengelola proyek secara efektif.

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About BrandPartner - Strategic Growth Consultant
Learn More

BrandPartner® is a leading strategic growth consulting firm on business strategy. Founded in 2012, BrandPartner® is trusted by more than 250+ companies from various industries all around Asia, from telecommunications, F&B, FMCG, and many more.

BrandPartner® is a brand-driven firm with a vision and passion to be the partner of choice for companies and businesses. Here, we are actively asking questions, taking all measures to correctly assess the situation, and meticulously planning the best winning strategy for our clients based on real actionable insights— something that can only be accomplished through close collaboration between our clients’ internal team and the expertise of BrandPartner®.

BrandPartner® is determined to forge our clients ambitions into existence. Through our comprehensive strategy and activations, we aim to help our clients staying one step ahead of the competition and earn their place in their customers’ minds. Ultimately, it is BrandPartner®’s mission: helping our clients develop powerful strategies that create long-term profitable growth. 

Business Consultant
Surabaya, Indonesia
Company Size
1–50 employees


Here, we work together to make the dream work
We consider employee's happiness as a part of ours
We hope to confidently inspire our team to maintain high level of motivation in completing their duties