Company Overview


Information Technology / IT


Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia

Company Size

Company size unavailable

Company Benefits

Transportation Transportation
Medical Insurance Medical Insurance

Life in Ula

You are driven to solve tough problems with technology. Let’s take pricing for example. Imagine a world where each product in e-commerce were to be priced differently for each customer based on where they are located, how much they buy or where they prepay or pay-later. This leads to a massive optimization problem because pricing too low incurs opportunity cost while pricing too high means a competitor takes that business. This is just one example of how B2B and B2C e-commerce are different and why B2B offers the opportunity to innovate. Now couple this with routing for a sales agent. How should pricing work with a sales-person’s CRM app? Depending on how far you take it, it is a massive machine learning problem.

If you’re passionate about technology and its applications to business problems, you’re curious and imagine what a new world can look like, love working with global colleagues on global problems and don’t mind taking risks that move the needle and treat failure merely as an opportunity to improve and iterate, you’d be a good fit at Ula.

We are very ownership driven at Ula. We also believe in proactive mentorship. It’s an opportunity to learn and to mentor. Below is what we expect from you

Here, we work together to make the dream work
Outstanding result stems from a free and welcoming enviroment
We hope to confidently inspire our team to maintain high level of motivation in completing their duties

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